Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tattoos on Women - Butterfly Tattoos

The butterfly tattoo design has never lost its popularity for women. It has remained one of their top choices for many years and does not look like losing its appeal. It is one of the most searched for designs on the Internet.

There are good reasons for this. There are a great number of beautiful designs, from the delicate and the colorful to the bold lines of tribal tattoos. This allows a woman to express herself in a variety of ways by using the image of one of Nature's most beautiful creatures. While there seem more than enough designs to cater for everyone's taste there is still plenty of room for individual expression using a personal custom design. Nature has provided an extraordinary array of butterfly patterns and sizes. Artists have added to these with an ever-expanding selection of expressive and intricate designs

The butterfly tattoo design is a symbol of rebirth and regeneration. The butterfly itself has the feminine characteristics of delicacy and beauty, which gives it universal appeal. It is hard not to be affected by the story of the butterfly - a thing of beauty emerging from something ordinary, even ugly. Then its beauty is only short-lived, fleeting, rather like life itself. Maybe that is why artists and photographers love to capture its beauty while they can.

The image of the butterfly is a symbol of beauty used in many forms of art across many cultures. It is found in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and through Eastern and Western art and decoration through the centuries.

The most popular locations for butterfly tattoos seem to be the shoulder, back and ankle. A small, delicate butterfly placed on the shoulder can be understated and effective. On the other hand I have seen tattoos of a flock of butterflies stretching from the upper arm across to the shoulder blade, which were beautiful. The back, both upper and lower, lends itself to larger tattoos as it is a bigger area and the spine can act as a center to give drawings balance. Ankles and feet of course, tend to look best with smaller tattoos but there is still plenty of room for artistic expression. Here again a flock of small butterflies drawn from the top of the foot and climbing up the lower leg can be attractive and charming.

More and more women are drawn to butterfly tattoo designs as an artistic expression of one of nature's most beautiful creatures because whatever they wish to express they can do so with charm and beauty.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Women Rib Tattoos - Sexy Body Tattoo Design For Women

If you are a tattoo enthusiast, women rib tattoos are considered to be the sexiest location to get a body ink. However, getting a tattoo at the side of your rib is not for the faint hearted. Side rib tattoo is being done on the part which is very close to the bone, the pain during the tattoo process will be more intense because there is less flesh to cushion the penetrating needle.Women Rib TattoosWhen getting a tattoo on the rib, choosing the right design is very important. When selecting a pattern, it is best to choose a big design since the space on your rib is quite large. With a big design, most probably it will take you more than one session to complete the tattoo. Therefore, a girl getting a tattoo on her rib can be a very long and painful experience.
Women Rib TattoosGenerally a rib body ink is done from the hip to the area underneath the armpit. Alternatively, the ink can also be placed from the lower stomach all the way to the side of the breast. For women who are adventurous, the tattoo can even be drawn all the way to the nipple.
Women Rib TattoosSome of the most common tattoo design on the ribs of women are flowers with complete leaves and stems and covered with vibrant colors. Some of the most popular flowers tattoo designs preferred by women are lilies, roses, lotus, hibiscus, cherry blossom, orchids etc. Floral tattoos on the rib cage is very attractive and portray a sense of femininity.
Women Rib TattoosFemale rib tattoos are really sexy because it shows the shape and natural curves of a woman's body. Since the ink is so close to her breast, it automatically makes the tattoo look extra sexy and attractive. If you are planning to get a new tattoo and you can tolerate the pain, a tattoo on the side of your rib can be a good choice.